Monday, October 31, 2011

Dallas or Bust!

Today felt like a bit of a blur.  Dallas is only a 5 hour drive, or so google maps told me, and I couldn't arrive there till Erin got off work at 4.  I had some time to kill.  I organized the space I have been hobo squatting in Scott's apartment and gather all my clothes.  Say my good byes and head out to gas up the car.  A few wrong turns, 3 different gas stations that didn't have ice to sell me, and a couple really angry drivers later I am on the road. 

Funny story, as soon as I got on the highway at 12, my map timeline said I would be there in 4 hours.  Something happened between not being on the highway and being on the on ramp that added one hour to the trip.  So I will now have an hour to kill when I get to Dallas because there is nothing of importance outside of Austin on this drive. 

I show up in Dallas around 4, call Erin and drive around trying to kill an hour.  Enough boring stuff out of the way, lets talk about Erin.  Erin Dowell is one of my best friends from way back when in college.  We bonded over the mutual lack of self control and rampant Wednesday night drinking fests.  She is and always will be one of the best people I have ever met.  So given that information you would believe that we would throw down for Halloween.  Erin shows up and we start getting ready, she goes as Texas prom queen circa 1983 and I go as Hot Jogger Girl Mayhem from the Allstate Commercials.  She was going to go as Flo but the USPS stole it or something crazy.  Dressed and ready we head over to her friend Clairs house.

Clair is an Irish girl who happens to have her birthday on Oct 30th, and had never celebrated Halloween like we Americans.  She was so floored by the concept she had her birthday party become a Halloween party with Karaoke and drinks.  When we got to her house, very early mind you, she was still getting ready and trying to get all the decorations up and make food an just running all around the house.  The party start showing up and the music and festivities commence.  Erin has reservations at a local bar that does Karaoke on Wednesdays, but when we show up both the Karaoke people have called in sick.  Coincidence???  Erin, being the problem solver that she is, starts calling up other bars, google searching karaoke bars, and finally she finds a spot. 

This place was way on the other side of Dallas, close to where all the other people were staying so they were happy, but also in a shady spot of Dallas.  We walk in and not only do they have Karaoke, they have a bunch of the funniest patrons I have ever seen.  This rather heavy set black lady comes up to me,
"Now are you Mayhem?"
"No, I am a smoking hot babe out there everyday keeping this(motions up and down) a ten!"
"Oh you crazy boy, take a shot!"  This happened regularly in this costume, I am a fan. 
When I ask her what she is this year, she whips out a tupac mask and screams "I am here for Biggie!!" Then later she Karaokes California Love. 

But enough about them, lets get back the our group.  Erin, a natural with two major songs under her belt, Ice Ice Baby, and Strokin by Clarence Carter except she says Erin Dowell instead.  Now picture these songs being sang by a girl in a hot pink pooffy dress with a big bow on it that looked like the 80's vomited all over.  Priceless.

After a few more drinks and birthday shots we convinced Claire up on stage for one of the most dramatic versions of Barbie Girl I have ever seen.  Everyone else in the bar was also very impressed.  The festivities carried on in this fashion long into the night.  At one point Erin decided to call her parents to see if they would pick us up, but both were in bed and kindly told her to call a cab.  She is just a fun bucket of crazy. 

Anyway, a good distraction and we are off to bed.  Tomorrow, who knows what will happen.

Stewart Lane

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